PALM: Palms are one of the most documented and most studied plants in the world and there are over 2600 species of palm tree types known today. Palm trees have an amazing amount of variations and differences in morphology, creating one the most diverse range of species. Basic characteristics of palm trees include growth from a single stem with crowns of evergreen leaves arranged in either a fan shape or feathery blooms. Most palms have inflorescence containing colorful flowers, which are usually small and white. The fruits of palms are considered to be drupes, or fruits containing a fleshy, soft part surrounding a hard seed center. Parlor Palm: One of the most popular palms in the world, its ability to put up with low light, drought and general abuse is legendary. Additionally it flowers when still quite young. Too well known to need any description, it has been in use since Victorian times and is suitable for home or conservatory. It is also known as the Table palm or Neanthe bella palm but the correct name is Chamaedorea elegans 'Bella'. Parlor Palms can adapt to just about any typical office or home interior. It is grown primarily for indoor use in 6 inch - 14 inch containers, ranging in height from 18 inches to 3-4 feet You'll find it used as a table top plant, grouped together in beds as under plantings, and as a low stand alone plant. The Parlor Palm is one of the hardiest and impossible to kill houseplants!
- One of the most popular palms in the world.
- Its ability to put up with low light, drought and general abuse is legendary.
- It has been in use since Victorian times.
- Proper name: Chamaedorea elegans 'Bella'.
- The plant you will receive is growing in a 4" pot.
1) It's... adorable? - I bought this to improve the air quality in my home. I generally dislike palms (the big spiky ones you see outside) and wasn't expecting to find this one so very... endearing.
When I took it out of the box, I wondered if I'd ordered a fake plant by mistake, it was so vigorous and unfazed by its days in a dark, overheated box. It is real, though. And... jaunty. Perky, even. Unwilted, unbrowned, not so much as a broken leaf. Even though I got the smallest, least-expensive one listed, its foliage is thick enough to be all tangled up with each other into a tiny bonsai jungle. Not quite lush, but very far indeed from sparse.
After removing it from the box, I proceeded to ignore it on my sunny, scorching doorstep for a day. It didn't care. I brought it inside and left it on the floor in the dark entryway for a while. It was fine there. I moved it to an upstairs room by an east-facing window late in the afternoon. It's cool with that, too.
I should probably mention comparing it to other Chamaedorea determined by NASA to be effective in removing toxic gasses and particulate matter from air, or studies that show Chamaedorea elegans helps regulate indoor humidity, or stuff. There's plenty of info about that just a search-engine-of-your-choice away, should you be interested in it. I should also give it another week or so of the abuse and neglect that will probably typify its time in my home before reviewing it, to make sure it's as "indestructible" as advertised -- although the reading I've done supports that claim; it may not thrive, but it will soldier on through the battering storms of my apathy and forgetfulness. But really, I'm reviewing it prematurely specifically to mention that this thing is just darling.
I've ordered another and am planning out where to put a third.
It's cute. I was not expecting cute. Cute is not the word that comes to mind when I think "houseplant". Nonetheless, this houseplant is, in point of fact, cute.
Edited to add: I've since bought another, a 6" plant. I initially received a 4" plant instead; I let Hirt's know about it on Thursday and heard back from them in 15 minutes. I received the replacement plant on Saturday. Amazing response times from Hirt's! The mistaken 4" plant is thriving next to its twin; both are gorgeous and healthy. The 6" plant is definitely larger and thicker, well worth the price difference, not just a 4"-pot plant in a larger pot. At this size, it's less an adorable bonsai jungle and more a full-on serious and somewhat showy houseplant. It, too, arrived in excellent condition, without browning, wilting, broken stems, or any other signs of damage or illness.
on April 7, 2013
2) Great plant, wonderful customer service!!! - First and foremost this is an absolutely wonderful vendor to do business with. I got a very little plant. I knew it would be small. I'd never imagined one could receive a live plant in the mail and it be lovely when opened. Well, I killed the first one. I'm sure it was my fault (now) This company is so incredibly kind, they sent me another beautiful palm. The directions say you have to baby it which is somewhat true. It also says something like, "it likes heat. Keep in a cool spot" I'm not kidding. LOL!!! But the most important of all is it evidently loves cold weather. Mine does anyway. I had it out in the Summer heat and it did not like that, and started dying like the first one. I put it on my covered porch and it started growing around August. Oh, I had to take it out of a small planter I had it in. It likes to spread out. So, now it's getting into the 30s and look at it!!! New sprouts coming up. I shan't leave it out any longer; however; I fear it will die in the heated house. I recommend this plant because it's cute as heck(if you can get it in a partly sunny, cool location in a medium to large pot) Customer service is perfect. And it's inexpensive. Hope it lives!!!! I have attached a picture of it today November 19th 2015. I bought (the first anyway) on May 5th 2015. The second one was replaced immediately after my contacting the company.
on November 19, 2015